Sunday, June 25, 2017

Clothe or Not to Clothe , Yes or No?

Many pet parents are on the fence of whether or not to buy clothes for their fur-child, I get it, You see so many cute outfits, some are for aesthetic  reasons such being your furkid has little to no fur such as the Chinese Crested or  it could be cold outside so you want to put a sweater  on them, I admit I'm guilty of dressing up Ariel, I was a little reserved about putting a dress or even a sweater on her. That is until I saw the apparel section  from  Petco Apparel, I was a previous content writer for another blog and was approached by a #PR person that at the time was working with  them and asked if I wanted to be a part of their  program where I get to test out clothes and toys for my dog, Of course I said yes, so each Holiday I received  outfits and toys. Oh, My Dog! I  was not sure Ariel would go along with this, but she did and had no problem with whatever was put on her. If ever asked again by Petco to have my furkid wear their clothes would I? Yes, I would. Some people think it is wrong and cruel, Well I'm sorry to say this but I don't and if Ariel did not want to and resisted  I would stop and never make her wear dresses or sweaters again. 

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